Bewertungen über Master of Business Administration für Wirtschaftler

Bewertungsdurchschnitt: 5

auf Basis von 5 Bewertungen
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Larba Nadieba
29 Okt 2014

The MBA program gave me the possibility to grow and I could enhance my hidden capabilities.

Thomas Teufel
23 Okt 2014

A leader should inspire others; I think if you are a great leader you should inspire your employees and colleagues.

Patricia Nadenicsek
21 Okt 2014

It was a very interesting experience to do this MBA program in a very international environment where a lot of useful information was given to us. I would recommend this MBA to ...

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Xia Xu
16 Okt 2014

What I liked in my MBA study were the international climate and the excellent lectures. Especially the guest lecturers from companies brought a lot of practical experiences into...

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Pramod Balaji
01 Okt 2014

One of the main reasons for me to join GSO was the fashion in which the course was structured. In India, as we deal with German Companies like Siemens, Durr, Bosch, Takraf, etc,...

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