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International Business Administration (B. Sc.)

7 Semester
Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
Nächster Starttermin
Wintersemester (+4 Starttermine)
21.240 EUR MwSt. befreit
Webseite des Anbieters
7 Semester
Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
Nächster Starttermin
Wintersemester (+4 Starttermine)
21.240 EUR MwSt. befreit
Webseite des Anbieters
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International Business Administration (B. Sc.)

The world is open to you – the Bachelor‘s degree program in International

Business Administration prepares you for a career in an international company. You will be able to prove your international skills during your semester abroad. There you will learn how international management works by working in an international company. Through the extended practical phases ft he project study program, you will gain early insights into international management and work on issues from business practice. As a graduate of the bachelor‘s program, you will be internationally mobile, have language skills for worldwide use and be able to deal with the challenges of a globalized economy.

  • In seven semesters you will be fit for a career in International Management
  • An obligatory semester abroad is integrated into the program
  • Practical projects and two foreign languages are included into the study program
  • Intercultural skills are intensively trained

The bachelor‘s degree program is offered in Berlin and Hamburg.

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Kommende Starttermine

Wählen Sie aus 4 verfügbaren Startterminen


  • Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
  • Berlin


  • Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
  • Hamburg


  • Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
  • Berlin


  • Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
  • Hamburg

Inhalte / Module

Modules include:

  • Principles of Business Administration
  • Principles of Economics
  • Principles of Planning and Control
  • Management Accounting and Controlling
  • Investment and Finance
  • Study Project: Marketing
  • Study Project: Cost Accounting
  • Semester Abroad
  • Business English
  • Training in Personal and Social Competences

Zielgruppe / Voraussetzungen

  • Entitlement to study according to § 10 BerlHG ( general higher education, entrance qualification for university of applied sciences or comparable entrance degree) or
  • Possibility of further studies according to § 11 BerlHG
  • University access for vocationally qualified students according to § 11 BerlHG
  • English language skills on level B2 and German language skills on level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages are required.


The tuition fees for the BSP Bachelor of International Business Administration amount to 21.240 euros, to be paid in 36 equal monthly installments of 590 euros in the full-time model. A non-recurrent registration fee of 100 euros is charged as an initial administrative enrolment fee.

There are numerous possibilities for financing your studies, e.g. BAföG, KfW Studienkredit, student loans from banks, student education funds and scholarships.

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BSP Business and Law School – Hochschule für Management und Recht
Calandrellistraße 1–9
12247 Berlin

BSP Business and Law School – Hochschule für Management und Recht

Die BSP Business and Law School – Hochschule für Management und Recht ist eine private, staatlich anerkannte Hochschule für Management mit Sitz in der historischen Siemens Villa in Berlin-Steglitz und mit einem Campus in der Hamburger Hafencity. Die Hochschule wurde 2009...

Erfahren Sie mehr über BSP Business and Law School – Hochschule für Management und Recht und weitere Kurse des Anbieters.
