Stage III - Reporting & Communication for Controllers

5 Tage
Webseite des Anbieters
5 Tage
Webseite des Anbieters
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I. Project controlling
Success criteria of a project
Phases and key tasks of projects
Integration of project planning and corporate planning
Project reporting
SCRUM – agile project management

II. Success factor reporting
BI and Big Data – from strategy to realization
Predictive and Advanced Analytics – new tool set for Controllers
Receiver oriented business charts and tables
Excel hints for implementation
With SUCCESS to the International Business Communication Standards (IBCS®)
Integrated Reporting

III. Development of Key Performance Indicators
Integration of strategies into the operational business
Developing and managing of strategic indicators
Developing sustainability strategies and ESG reporting
Visualizing, optimizing and standardizing of processes
Developing process-relevant indicators

IV. Controller as Business Partner and Change Agent
MOVE and change management
Cooperation and managing relationship
The “Co”-functions in Controlling
Fundamental communication models
Patterns and improvement of team work
Factors influencing the leadership situation and the role of managers
Principles of how to secure the transfer of know-how

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Zielgruppe / Voraussetzungen

The "Reporting & Communication" seminar is aimed at controlling, billing and accounting managers and staff.


  •  You learn how to apply all controlling methods as leverage in a dynamic management process
  • You learn to formulate clear messages, to reduce complexity and to increase the attractiveness of your reports using IBCS® with SUCCESS
  • You will master the relevant controlling tools for standardizing and increasing efficiency of processes – important precondition for the automatization of processes
  • You know the fundamentals of successful communication and informal leadership for a successful business partnering

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CA controller akademie

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