Stage IV - Planning & Implementation

CA controller akademie, in Starnberg
5 Tage
Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
Nächster Starttermin
23 September, 2024 Details anzeigen
2.558,50 EUR inkl. MwSt.
Webseite des Anbieters
5 Tage
Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
Nächster Starttermin
23 September, 2024 Details anzeigen
2.558,50 EUR inkl. MwSt.
Webseite des Anbieters
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  • Update of a Management Accounting System as Preparation for Planning
    • Design of the cost center accounts (including activity based costing)
    • Requirements for product costing
    • Build up a target oriented management account
  • Development of a Strategic and Operational Planning Concept
    • Design a framework for budgeting
    • Core elements of a business plan
    • External requirements as e.g. risk management and rating
  • Implementation of an Integrated Result and Financial Planning
    • Central and decentralized planning (top down – bottom up)
    • Organize and carry out a strategic and operational planning meeting
    • Elaborate a finance budget based on planned sales, costs and the investment budget
    • Work out a planned balance sheet, a cash flow statement and financial ratios
  • Workshop of Controlling Topics Relevant to Actual Practice
    • Controller as a change agent in development of controlling
    • How to organize the "storage of ideas" and to set priorities
    • Topics of our participants and latest trends in controlling as controlling and IFRS, valuebased controlling, beyond budgeting and Controlling and Sustainability ("ESG")
  • Controlling of the Controller Service
    • Transparency of the controller service
    • Performance measurement for controllers
    • Balanced scorecard for the controller service

Problem-solving computer support
Practise the budget process in the team with functions developing on the screen as a catalyst. So this isn’t about "making it bigger" e.g. by using a beamer, but "coming closer" – also as a boss. As a result, a particularly creative cooperative environment is generated in Stage IV working groups during the seminar.

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Kommende Starttermine

1 verfügbarer Starttermin

23 September, 2024

  • Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
  • Starnberg
  • Englisch

Zielgruppe / Voraussetzungen

The "Planning & Implementation" seminar is aimed at controlling, billing and accounting managers and staff.


  • In Stage IV - Planning and Implementation you will learn to apply the skills your have developed in Stage I and III in a case study involving two divisions of a real company. In doing so you woll gain experience that you can transfer into practice

  • You work on your topics from your own practical experience and develop these further in your team of colleagues
  • You will update your knowledge about the latest developments in controlling
  • A "self-controlling" in the sense of a continuous improvement process (CIP) of the controller service rounds off the workshop

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CA controller akademie

Neues lernen, neu denken und sich weiterentwickeln. All das gehört dazu, wenn Sie Ihre berufliche Zukunft und die Ihres Unternehmens erfolgreich gestalten wollen. Die CA controller akademie, als Spezialist für ganzheitliche Unternehmenssteuerung, ist dabei genau Ihr richtiger Partner. Seit über...

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