EMRICH Consulting ...improving people!

in Tübingen (+ 4 Standorte)
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EMRICH Consulting ...improving people!

EMRICH Consulting ...improving people!

EMRICH Consulting ...improving people!

EMRICH Consulting gibt es seit 1996. Der promovierte Diplompsychologe Dr. Martin Emrich leitet das Unternehmen. Im Angebot sind Ausbildungen für Speaker, Trainer und Coaches. Ebenso Inhouse-Trainings und Keynotes. Und alles in 5 Sprachen und weltweit.

EMRICH Consulting ...improving people! - Alle Kurse



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EMRICH Consulting ...improving people!

Nägelestrasse 3
72074 Tübingen

Telefon: +4901777869115


Bewertungsdurchschnitt: 5

auf Basis von 32 Bewertungen
Bewertung schreiben
JT Foxx The world’s # 1 wealth and business coach
01 Mai 2023

Martin is the number 1 rank speaker winning the top speaker award in Africa. I am very proud. He is a great guy. He absolutely wow-ed everybody!

JT Foxx The world’s # 1 wealth and business coach
01 Mai 2023

Martin is the number 1 rank speaker winning the top speaker award in Africa. I am very proud. He is a great guy. He absolutely wow-ed everybody!

JT Foxx The world’s # 1 wealth and business coach
01 Mai 2023

Martin is the number 1 rank speaker winning the top speaker award in Africa. I am very proud. He is a great guy. He absolutely wow-ed everybody!
